'''Publications''' * [/chrome/site/pub/hydra_hotpar.pdf M. M. Saad, M. Mohamedin and B. Ravindran, "Hydra VM: Extracting Parallelism from Legacy Code Using STM", In 4th USENIX Workshop on Hot Topics in Parallelism (HotPar '12), June 2012, Berkeley, CA] '''Technical Reports''' * [/chrome/site/pub/hydra_tech.pdf M. M. Saad, M. Mohamedin and B. Ravindran, "Hydra VM: Technical Report", ECE Dept., Virginia Tech, Jan 2012] * [/chrome/site/pub/ByteSTM_tech.pdf M. Mohamedin and B. Ravindran, "ByteSTM: Java Software Transactional Memory at the Virtual Machine Level, Technical Report", ECE Dept., Virginia Tech, Jan 2012]