= Welcome to Hydra^''VM''^ = [[Image(/chrome/site/excerpts_mm2_0501.jpg, right, 35%)]] In Hydra^VM^ we focus on extracting parallelization from sequential code (e.g. legacy systems) through a set of techniques including: code profiling and visualization, execution analysis, data dependency graphs and software transactional memory. Hydra^VM^ is a virtual machine prototype built on [http://jikesrvm.org Jikes RVM]. Currently, we write our implementation as a modification to baseline compiler, however, our contributions are applicable to other architectures and JIT compilers. At the user level, no changes or recompilation are needed to the underlying source code, all our work are done at the standard bytecode level. [[BR]] ''[wiki:Team Hydra^VM^ Team]'' == Starting Points == * Getting Started with Hydra^VM * Downloads * [wiki:SvnCheckOut Checking out source code] * [wiki:SourceCode Download Source Code] * Resources * [http://jikesrvm.org Jikes RVM] * [http://www.graphviz.org GraphViz] * [http://cs.au.dk/~mis/dOvs/jvmspec/ref-Java.html Java Bytecode Reference] * [http://java.sun.com/docs/books/jvms/second_edition/html/ClassFile.doc.html Class file format] * Documentation * [wiki:Architecture Architecture] * [wiki:Visualization Code Visualization] * [wiki:VMTM Hydra TM] * [wiki:Para Extracting Parallelization] * [wiki:Publications Publications] {{{ #!html
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